Citizens Petition the FDA on Aluminum Adjuvents

Citizens Petition the FDA on Aluminum Adjuvents

In May of 2021, Dr. Christopher Exley petitioned the Department of Health and Human Services of the Food and Drug Administration for administrative action to ensure accurately reported and consistent levels of Aluminum in all vaccines.

Download the petition here.

Dr. Exley gives his official comment on the petition:

Professor Exley’s comment to his petition to the FDA Agency: FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION

Document Type: Other Title: Citizen Petition from Siri & Glimstad, LLP

Document ID: FDA-2021-P-0433-0001

Comment: Once these data on the aluminum content of infant vaccines were known to me I asked myself about their absolute significance.

What were the data witnessing? Sloppy processing by manufacturers? If so then why weren’t these issues flagged up by internal auditing of the products?

Do manufacturers not actually measure the final content of aluminum in their vaccines? It looks that way. If they do not are they still assuming that the information they give on the patient information leaflet is accurate?

Presumably they are as this amount of aluminum per dose of vaccine has been extensively researched and optimized by the manufacturer to give the antibody titre necessary for the vaccine to be effective.

Since the vaccine is wholly ineffective in the absence of the aluminum adjuvant, then the amount of aluminum adjuvant injected into the infant must be tightly controlled in providing a safe and effective vaccine. Isn’t that correct?

How can vaccine manufacturers be so complacent about such a critical issue? Is there a darker side to all of this? It may or it may not be true that manufacturers carefully optimize the aluminum content of infant vaccines.

However, how often do manufacturers monitor the efficacy of their vaccine in receiving infants?

How do they know that the data they must have for their clinical trials is reproduced in real time vaccinations in infants.

Simply, how do they know that their vaccine works against its target disease? Do they even care?

These data on the aluminum content of infant vaccines suggest very strongly that from the moment the vaccine is aliquoted to its vial ready for subsequent administration to an infant the manufacturer has no interest in whether it is either effective or safe. No one is monitoring the former and vaccine manufacturers have no responsibility for the latter.

Vaccine manufacturers are businesses first and foremost, it is not up to them to make sure that their products are safe and effective. It is the responsibility of the FDA and the FDA is clearly neglecting this responsibility as is the European Medicines Agency.

A cartel of neglect and complacency that puts infants all of the world at risk, not only from the disease the vaccine is meant to be effective against but critically from the injection of an unknown amount of a known neurotoxin into vulnerable infants.

What can you do?

Of 13 infant vaccines tested, only 3 had the correct amount of aluminum as listed by the manufacturer.

Ask your pediatrician if your baby’s vaccine is on the list.

You can read the vaccine report on aluminum content of infant vaccines and print out the list for your pediatrician or OBGYN.

The Story of Hephaestus and the Phoenix

The Story of Hephaestus and the Phoenix

Hephaestus was working in his workshop making a special present for Exal3+. He was frequently visited by Phoenix. She loved the colors of his fires as he worked on metal. The bright yellow and orange glow made her feel warm and free. Hephaestus loved her visits as she would fly around singing.

Phoenix: That is going to be a beautiful sword, Hephaestus!

Hephaestus: Phoenix, this isn’t a sword, it’s a special knife for Exal3+ for when he gets born mortal. He’ll know exactly what it is for and how to use it.

The flames of the fire were roaring as Hephaestus formed the knife.

Hephaestus: If you like, I could sprinkle some Potassium dust on your feathers and they would get a nice warm Lilac color.

Phoenix: Yes, that would be wonderful! I would love to have some purple feathers.

And with that Hephaestus threw some Potassium dust on her feathers.

All of a sudden her colors turned purple! She was thrilled. They were the most beautiful feathers in the world. They were perfect with her bright red and gold colors of fire. Phoenix was so happy she flew around the workshop for 3 days singing. Hephaestus delighted in her happiness and they became best friends.

Hephaestus and Phoenix Picture Description:
In the picture Exal3+ is holding a post mortem brain knife in one hand and a brain in the other hand.
His robe has Phoenix showing off her pretty purple feather as they float among the stars

A free download of the full story is available on the shop page.

Latest Writings on Aluminum in Antiperspirant

Latest Writings on Aluminum in Antiperspirant

We know the Internet is a big place, so we’ve done the legwork of finding credible authorities who have studied the situation and reported in numerous online magazines and journals about the unnecessary, dangerous presence of aluminum in products, specifically antiperspirant.

Here are 2 more articles, curated for you:

Antiperspirants do increase the risk of breast cancer – The Hippocratic Post

“The team made measurements of aluminum in breast tissue and they found a significantly higher content of aluminum in breast tissue in breast cancer than in controls. ”

Read the full article here.

And also this article:

Swiss move to ban aluminum in antiperspirants – The Hippocratic Post

“The Swiss are worried about the role that antiperspirants, and specifically aluminum salts in antiperspirants, may play in breast cancer, and they have taken steps to do something about it.”

Read the full article here.

Stay informed, but also act! Join our letter campaign today, to put an end to aluminum in our foods, products, and medicines.

Latest Writings on Aluminum in Vaccines

Latest Writings on Aluminum in Vaccines

Aluminum adjuvants are a dangerous and unnecessary component in some vaccines.

Numerous credible, authoritative sources confirm this conclusion in articles posted online.

Here are 2 more curated for you:

Infant Vaccines – The Hippocratic Post

We have discovered that the amount of aluminium an infant receives in a vaccine is akin to a lottery. While the amount expected to be injected, is indicated by manufacturers on the patient information leaflet supplied with the vaccine, this value bears little resemblance to the actual amount.

Read the article here.

And also this second article:

Infants are Uniquely Vulnerable to Aluminum in Vaccines – The Hippocratic Post

“ I watched for the first time a fish, a salmon parr, die from acute aluminium toxicity. The whole process took less than forty-eight hours”

Read the article here.

Keep informed. Keep reading. But most importantly: write! Join our letter-writing campaign today!

Latest Writings on Aluminum in Food

Latest Writings on Aluminum in Food

There are numerous credible sources of information online to help you understand the importance and the urgency of removing aluminum from food.

Here are two more curated for you:

Contaminated Infant Formula – The Hippocratic Post

Some widely-used infant formulas are heavily contaminated with the known neurotoxin, aluminum.

Read the article here.

Stay informed, and start writing to make a change! Join our letter-writing campaign today!